In accordance with Resolution No. 443 of the Board of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated 06.11.2013, the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belarusian Institute of Construction Design” of the Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus is the authorized body for the technical assessment of the suitability for use in construction in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of building materials and products and the preparation of technical certificates (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).
The authorized body implements a unified technical policy in the field of technical assessment of the suitability of building materials and products and implements rules and procedures in accordance with the requirements of TCP 45-1.01-46-2006 “Construction. Technical assessment of the suitability of building materials and products. The main provisions and the procedure for conducting” (as amended № 1, № 2, № 3).
Clarifications on application issues:
The Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus has the right to clarify the requirements of TCP 45-1.01-46-2006, including making decisions on the establishment of additional requirements, on changing the procedure for conducting a technical assessment of the suitability of building materials and products.
In accordance with Resolution No. 1748 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2009, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus was granted the right to clarify the application of technical regulations TR 2009/013/BY “Buildings and structures, building materials and products. Security.”
In accordance with the requirements of TCP 45-1.01-46-2006, technical assessment of suitability for use in construction is subject to building materials and products, the properties and conditions of use of which affect compliance with mandatory requirements for reliability and safety of structures, building structures, as well as elements of internal engineering systems, to ensure the protection of life and health of citizens, property and environmental protection. environments, including:
for the first time mastered by the production of innovative technologies, provided they differ (in properties, design, formulation) from building materials and products of a similar purpose that meet the requirements of TNPA;
manufactured according to foreign norms and standards that are not accepted as state standards of the Republic of Belarus;
newly developed or upgraded, the properties and conditions of use of which are not fully or partially regulated by the state standards of the Republic of Belarus or do not meet their requirements.
Applicants for the technical assessment of the suitability of building materials and products may be:
the manufacturer of building materials and products or an authorized representative of the manufacturer;
importer of building materials and products;
consumer of building materials and products.
Samples of building materials and products are tested by independent accredited testing laboratories (centers).
Technical certificates are issued for a period of:
1 year – for importers and consumers, but not more than the shelf life of building materials (products),
5 years for manufacturers (for serial production),
1 year – for manufacturers without checking the production control system.
Information about the issued technical certificates is provided on the website
control is carried out by the authorized body once during the period of validity
of the technical certificate and additionally, if necessary, to extend the period.
his actions.
Link to read the text of TKP 45-1.01-46-2006 “Construction. Technical assessment of the suitability of building materials and products. The main provisions and the procedure for conducting” (as amended № 1, № 2, № 3): StroyDOK Online information and search engine ( ) taking into account information from the National Fund of Technical Regulations ( ).
Contacts :
Head of the Technical Certificates Department
Mashok Alexander Grigorievich
+375 44 731 33 52 (Telegram)